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Khowhemun Elementary School School Code of Conduct 

The Khowhemun Elementary School Code of Conduct is based on clear and consistent expectations intended to provide everyone at school with a safe, healthy, orderly and friendly learning environment.  The code of conduct is taught, reviewed, practiced and reinforced continuously.  Students are taught to and expected to accept responsibility for their actions and behavior.  

Upholding the expectations within the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of every staff member, including teachers, education assistants, noon hour supervisors, support workers, and administrators.  At Khowhemun Elementary School we work together as a team to make a difference for all students. 

All members of the Khowhemun Elementary School community are expected to follow the Code of Conduct at all times, including while on school premises, going to and returning from school, and at all extra-curricular events, programs and activities whenever and wherever they are held. 

Expectations for Student Conduct 

The school is a community where people learn and grow together.  At Khowhemun Elementary School we work together to encourage behaviours that foster positive peer relationships in the classroom and on the playground.  We believe every student has the right to learn in a safe and secure learning environment.  In order to establish this atmosphere, everyone must show respect, be responsible, and act in a safe manner.  

Our code of conduct can be simplified into three simple statements.  These are:  

Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe

Code of Conduct Expectations:  

All members of the Khowhemun Learning Community are to conduct themselves in a manner that: 

  • Respects themselves, others, and the school 
  • Contributes to making the school safe, caring and an orderly place 
  • Contributes, and is sensitive to, the maintenance of a positive school environment 
  • Brings credit to the school 
  • Promotes purposeful learning 
  • Addresses incidents of bullying, harassment, and intimidation  
  • Encourages informing ‘tellable’ adult(s) in a timely manner of any incidents breaching the Code of Conduct.   

(adapted from SD79 – AP 104: District Code of Conduct) 

Inappropriate, unacceptable, or irresponsible behaviors are addressed as learning experiences, when possible, for the students involved.  Some incidents may lead to consequences.  In order for children to learn from the behavior, the consequences must be logical, appropriate, and reasonable.  Conduct expectations will also take into consideration a student’s age and maturity.   

Please Note: 

 Khowhemun Elementary School firmly believes that safe, orderly and caring communities are free from: 

  • Bullying/cyber bullying 
  • Intimidation, harassment, and marginalization 
  • Threat and intimidation 
  • Verbal, physical, or sexual abuse 
  • Discrimination in any form 

And will not tolerate: 

  • Theft and vandalism 
  • Intoxicating substances 
  • Weapons and explosives 
  • Intruders or trespassers 


The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct as well as the age, needs and maturity of students is considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action.  Special consideration may apply to students with diverse abilities who may be unable to comply with expectations. 

Responses to unacceptable conduct will be consistent and fair and include consequences that are preventative and restorative rather than simply punitive.  Students, as often as possible, will be encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences.  

Khowhemun Elementary School will address all behavior or communication that discriminates based on race, colour, political belief, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation, age, criminal summary or convictions, retaliation, or lawful source of income (prohibited grounds set out in the BC Human Rights Code.) 

Rising Expectations  

As students grow older and more mature, it is our expectation that they be held to a progressively higher standard of personal responsibility and self-discipline and will face increasing consequences for inappropriate behavior.  


In the event of serious breaches of conduct, school officials may advise other parties of those breaches, including: 

  • Parents of the student offender(s) 
  • Parents of the student victim(s) 
  • School district officials- as required by school district policy  
  • Police and/or other agencies as required by law 
  • All parents- when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address the concern 

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities 

At Khowhemun Elementary, we believe every student has rights and responsibilities (shown below).   

You have the right to learn in a safe, caring and orderly school climate. 

Your responsibility is to: 

  • Attend school regularly and be on time 
  • Organize materials (homework, supplies) 
  • Do your best 
  • Learn from your mistakes 
  • Work in ways that don’t disturb others 

You have the right to learn in an environment that respects all people. 

Your responsibility is to: 

  • Be courteous and polite 
  • Respect the feelings and opinions of others 
  • Treat others as you would want to be treated 
  • Encourage others in a positive way 
  • Appreciate and accept the difference in others 
  • Include other people in activities 

You have the right to feel and be safe. 

Your responsibility is to: 

  • Follow school and safety rules 
  • Help others to be safe 
  • Solve problems in peaceful ways 
  • Be aware of emergency drills 
  • Follow directions of school staff 

You have the right to privacy and to your own personal space. 

Your responsibility is to: 

  • Respect other people’s property 
  • Respect others’ right to privacy 

You have the right to a comfortable and clean environment. 

Your responsibility is to: 

  • Clean up after yourself 
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle 
  • Respect school property and treat the school grounds with care